Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Friends,

I am humbled to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year at St. Nicholas Catholic School. If you are new to St. Nicholas Catholic School I’d like to introduce myself to you. I have three adorable children,  my daughter attends an Elk Island Catholic school, and 2 boys that are attending college and playing golf in the NCAA  and a wonderful wife of 27 years. I received my Bachelor of Science in 1993, Bachelor of Education in 1995 and Master’s degree in 1998 from the University of Portland.  I am beginning my 30th year in education, 19th year as Principal and take great pride ensuring children are getting the best education from the very best educators in Alberta!

We are working hard to become teams of educators who work together to provide the right support for each student's success. We recognize that parents are our students’ first and best teachers, and as such need to be a critical part of our educational team. We look forward to working with you in order to give each child that comes through our door each morning the best educational experience possible. We encourage all of our parents to be actively involved in their children's schooling. Parent involvement can include asking your child about his or her day, helping with homework, communicating with teachers, attending school events, and coming into school as a volunteer.

We have a strong faculty, an outstanding Parent Council, and wonderful community support. Our attitude is we will do “whatever it takes” to help our students be successful as we strive for Excellence Everyday! All of these factors influence our vision to be a student learning community where students achieve maximum growth in academics, creativity, and social awareness. We recognize that children are our link to the future, and we have a tremendous responsibility to help our children strive for excellence.

I am privileged and honored to begin serving the community of St. Nicholas Catholic School. I’m looking forward to providing the best opportunities for our students to learn and continue their success because teamwork makes the dream work!


Joe Kucy
